Definition of Street cred

1. Noun. Credibility among young fashionable urban individuals.

Exact synonyms: Cred, Street Credibility
Generic synonyms: Believability, Credibility, Credibleness

Definition of Street cred

1. Noun. (slang) Credibility among young, hip urban dwellers; particularly important in the hip-hop and gangsta-rap scene. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Street Cred

street Arab
street address
street addresses
street appeal
street arab
street art
street artist
street child
street cleaner
street clothes
street corner
street cred
street credibility
street dance
street dancer
street dancers
street drug
street elbow
street fighter
street fighters
street food
street foods
street furniture
street girl
street hockey
street lamp

Literary usage of Street cred

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Asymmetric Marketing: Tossing the 'Chasm' in the Age of the Software Superpowers by Joseph E. Bentzel (2006)
"This street-cred enables them to drive self-correction and rapid response in times of technology change and competitive challenge. When these tribal leaders ..."

2. Caractacus: A Cantata for Soprano, Tenor, Baritone, and Bass Soli, Chorus by Edward Elgar, Harry Arbuthnot Acworth (1898)
"... =*F^ A - With the milk - white steeds that draw it A - cred street. cred street. • 3 * - EE=^f|: With flash ... of helm and With flash Л the sa - cred ..."

3. Assurer la sécurité du milieu éducatif = by Antoine Bousquet (1998)
"According to the head of the college, "a burglary opposite the police station provides more street cred than one in the sticks at one of the other sites". ..."

4. Naked Cities by Mute (2006)
"Jean has so much street cred that he has convinced aspiring young slum rappers to compete for the best jingle about such socially conscious topics as ..."

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